The Galleries

The Galleries at CCBC aim to promote awareness of, and access to, contemporary visual arts within the college and local communities. In our learning centered environment, we believe that access to all types of art and content, is integral to the enrichment of our community. From “fine” art to “functional” art, from social commentary to media mastery, we aim to offer a diversity of artworks and artists.
Our goal is to provide students and the surrounding communities with access to a wider range of artists, artistic media, social commentary, and aesthetic experiences, to create easily accessible art for those in our community. We foster a learning environment that promotes accessibility to the arts for all persons regardless of age, race, gender, identity, sexual orientation, or disabilities. We believe in equal access to the arts for all and provide all of our events and exhibitions free to the public.

Dundalk, Essex, and Catonsville each have their own unique gallery spaces.

One of our work-study employees painting the trim of a brightly colored walls.

Our student workers helping paint and install shelves for an exhibition.

Dundalk, Essex, and Catonsville each have their own unique gallery spaces.
About SOAC
The Department of Art and Design inside the School of Arts and Communication aspires to create an educational environment that is responsive in content, approach, and application to the continually changing technical and creative aspects of the creative fields we represent.
The Department of Art and Design is a unique community of creative professionals, educators, and students who learn and work together as we explore and blend all aspects of art, design, and visual communication.
We offer quality instruction in all phases of visual art, graphic design, interior design, interactive media, photography, and motion graphics. Our course offerings and programs offer flexibility in both scheduling and content.