The Galleries
Becoming 2021
This juried exhibition showcases the best work created by the students of the Portfolio class. The Portfolio class is the capstone course for art students at CCBC and is designed to help students create bodies of work for professional portfolios.
Students are given different prompts to help cultivate creativity in each of their own artistic specialties. These prompts have been designed based on research and observations of what both four-year universities as well as employees gravitate toward in portfolios.

The Becoming series is often the first time most of the students have shown artwork in a professional gallery. The Galleries hold them to the same standard as we would any other exhibition of artists. We strive to give them the experience and tools to follow their artistic dreams as they move forward. Most of all, we are so proud of all of our talented students and are excited to showcase their work.
While we would normally have a night of celebration at each gallery, because of COVID, we'll be celebrating remotely. We hope you can join us on March 26th at 6pm in the live Zoom event to watch the awards ceremony from the winners of the voting done on the website. Be sure to vote for your favorites in all the categories! To RSVP to the Zoom event, please visit our Events Page and you'll receive the link in your email for the party.
Virtual Tour
Can't make it to the gallery to see the exhibition in person? No need to worry, you can now tour the exhibition from the comfort of your own home. If you're having trouble seeing the below interactive virtual tour, click here.