The Galleries

1sqft: a small works exhibit
It's the second year of our juried student artwork exhibition! Each year, we're putting out the call for artwork from current CCBC students to be considered in this exhibition at the Gallery at CCBC Catonsville. Each artwork must be no larger than 12"x12"x12" in size but can be of any medium and any style.
Submission deadline is May 2, 2025
We're excited to announce Erik Miller as the guest juror for this year's exhibit!
Important Dates
Application Deadline: May 2, 2025
Acceptance Notification: TBA
Artwork Drop-Off: TBA
Exhibition Start: TBA
Reception: TBA
Exhibition End: TBA

Application Requirements
Must be a currently enrolled CCBC Student, does not have to be a credited course.
Works must be 12"x12"x12" or smaller.
Must supply at least 1 image of the artwork.
Work cannot have been exhibited as a part of the of the Portfolio Development "Becoming" exhibitions.
Ready to apply for consideration?
We're excited to see your work!