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Marcos Faunner

About the Art

The poster is an ironic piece because it has nothing to do with legibility. The sentence I used to create this composition is from Design Professor Ademar Pereira and says:

“Cabe ao designer conseguir que as mensagens visuais se façam entender de forma clara, rápida e precisa, com o compromisso de nelas incorporar a estética.”

In English: “It is up to designer make the visual message clear, fast, clearly and precisely, with commitment to incorporate the aesthetic.”

Maybe you don’t identify some letters like "k", "y" and "h" because I used the Portuguese version of the sentence as the base of work. We have these letters on our alphabet, but not in this sentence.

About Marcos Faunner

I'm living and working in Belo Horizonte city, Brazil. My work transits between art and graphic design. I work with mixed media, and my visual references are the socio-cultural elements and their contrasts around the globe. I am motivated by the human being and their desires, impulses, imagination, and their dilemmas faced in relation between life and death. I believe in art as a creation of worlds. Art can say with me, about me, before me, repeat me, attack me, open worlds inside my worlds. The artistic process is a dialogue between formal and material imagination.

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